Classifieds in Imus, Calabarzon
- 2K Cars
- 5K Car parts
- 3K Motorcycles and Parts
- 2K Kids’ products & Toys
- 2K Clothes
- 3K Garden & House
- 2K Furniture
- 5K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 8K Computers and Parts
- 4K TV games & PC games
- 1K Movies & Music
- 3K Photo & Cameras
- 7K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 4K Pets and Animals
- 3K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 3K Music instruments
- 7K Sport
PHP 6,500
Good and presentable laptop. Core i3 with lot of freebies
My nec laptop
Test to sawa pwede po
With warranty 1month pa
Intel core i3 quadcore 2.2ghz
250GB hdd...
PHP 5,000
For Sale Gym equipment
Second hand, legs and abs exercise bicycle color black, located at golden city imus contact no. 09974755686
PHP 5,000
COSPLAY Mikaela hayakuya costume
Mikaela hayakuya costume (female version) cross dress..
• wig
• inside polo
• coat
• robe
• belt...
PHP 800
Garden plant farm sprayer
Garden farm chemical pesticide ants worms sprayer. Good condition. 2pcs for P800. Location: imus, meet-up 7-11...
PHP 6,000
Pure Persian Kitten
Persian Kitten for sale
Gender: Male (Semi Flat face)
Date of birth: April 12, 2018
Releasing date would be first or...
PHP 7,000
Haro BMX bike for sale
For sale
Haro Leucadia all original
Color black
Slightly used
Makapal pa mga gulong 10yrs old nagamit...
Rfs: ayaw na...
PHP 350
PC USB Gamepad Controller
Available thru walk-in & Shipping only.
Please visit our store CiDiR2Go located at Shopwise Imus, along Emilio...
PHP 250
Income Taxation
Accounting Book | Income Taxation by Rex Banggawan | Bought it for 595 | RFS: hindi ko na po need | may mga konting...
PHP 400
Tintin Figurines Set
Selling as set.
Characters: Tintin, Captain Haddock, Snowy
Condition: The figures are in very good condition. Only...
PHP 2,300
Big H Penny board
Big H Penny board
22" Electric Blue Mini Cruiser
Condition: 9.5/10
Nagamit lang sa garage. May onting scratches at...
PHP 120
Mouse PS2 and Serial RS232 Port 9 Pin
Serial and PS2 Mouse (for pc, laptop, handheld device, photocopy machine, etc..)
Price : 120 each
PHP 2,300
portable tv dvd player
for sale
portable tv dvd player
complete package
good quality
no defect
PHP 15,500
Ps4 Slim 1Tb
Slightly used PS4 Slim
1Tb HDD 1 controller
With 2 games Lego hobbit and nba 2k16
Pls call if interested
Imus area...
PHP 999
HNJ 002 Motorcycle Box Brand new
For sale brand new hnj box
Kasya fullface helmet
My mailalagay ka pang iba.
Brand new
Brand new
With 2...
PHP 14,500
singer 457u zigzag hispeed self oiling
used for making bra panty and for attaching garter and lace. complete with brand new motor table and stand. machine...
PHP 5,000
2ndhand Sofa Chair
1 pc 3seater sofa ,1pc 1seater sofa in good condition. With 4pcs free cushion cover. PLEASE FOR PICK UP ONLY....
PHP 349
Brand New Lyric Stand with Bag
Foldable and Affordable Lyric Stand. Bought this for our wedding last April 20 kaya lang hindi nagamit. Tinanggal...
PHP 1,000
Queen Miranda Sofia the first costume
Queen Miranda costume with crown. With petticoat. Used only once.
Very good condition. Meet up /pick up within...
PHP 1,271
Industrial Fan
Floor Fan
Brand : tailee
Price: 1271
TL-16F- 16"
Price : 1346
TL-18F 18"
Price: 1497
For more...
PHP 249
POe injector splitter
Brand new Cables for sale
Also available all computer peripherals
Computer Accessories
Pm or tx for info
PHP 50
King crown gold and silver available
King crown gold and silver available. 6 pcs available 2 gold 4 silver. Adult size. P50 each pero P200 lng if take...
PHP 200
Assorted motor parts and accessories
Stock sprocket xrm 36t
Almost new. 1mon used
Brake caliper cover gold
Universal foot rest
PHP 350
Cosplay Anime Costume for RENT
Price starts at 350
We cater Anime, Disney, DC comics and Others.
For more Costumes and details please visit My...
PHP 300
Business and Transfer Taxation 2017 Edition
Accounting Book | Business and Transfer Taxation by Rex Banggawan | Bought it for 495 | RFS: hindi ko na po need |...
PHP 200
For Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch Rubber Case With Thumb Grip
200 Each 1 color ONLY
Meetups Cavite
Brand New
From Usa padala Skn wala...
PHP 750
Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
Microsoft XBox 360 Controller Brandnew for Xbox or PC
•Brandnew Complete with box and manual
•Available in Black...
PHP 1,600
Rouser 135 or 150ns or 160ns stock tires
6 months used only..
Front tire 80/100 size ==== 800 pesos
Rear likod na gulong 110/80 size ==== 800 pesos
Pure stock...
PHP 400,000
Honda CRV 20 AT 2007
Make: Honda CR-V 2.0 AT
Denomination: Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)
Year model: 2007
Maintained/Serviced only at...
PHP 1,500
Furball the hamster and complete package
Rovorski hamster (Furball) - 1 yr old
Complete set of hamster house
-Including big hamster wheel that's not found in...
PHP 300
Tapalodo o front fender
For sale
Honda wave alpha front fender orig
- old gen, smooth, no crack or dents
Few scratches and fade colors....
PHP 3,000
manok panabong fighting cock
For Sale-3K each
Ready to Fight.
Age-18 mos.
Bloodline- Sweater and Kelso
Medium to High Station
Nasa wall ko ang...
PHP 4,800
Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 Red
With 1 Year Warranty. - April 14, 2019
Lens Fujinon 60mm f/12.7
2 components, 2 elements
Viewfinder 0.37x real...