Classifieds in Imus, Calabarzon
- 2K Cars
- 5K Car parts
- 3K Motorcycles and Parts
- 2K Kids’ products & Toys
- 2K Clothes
- 3K Garden & House
- 2K Furniture
- 5K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 8K Computers and Parts
- 4K TV games & PC games
- 1K Movies & Music
- 3K Photo & Cameras
- 7K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 4K Pets and Animals
- 3K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 3K Music instruments
- 7K Sport
PHP 500
OD GEL Motorcycle battery and Led Bar
5L battery OD GEL 2nd hand
Very good condition
Brand new Led bar
1.2k brand new price nung battery
Pick up...
PHP 3,000
185 14c maxxis 195 14c delium 8 ply
Maxxis 185 14c 3pcs 3000 each
Delium 195 14c 2 pcs 3000 each
Cst 700 x 15 12 ply 1 pc. 3500
Kalcea 700 x 15 12 ply...
PHP 7,500
Sewing machine jukijapan made
Juki ddl:5550,8500 ,8700,brand new,table,motor,stand,with 6 months labor smart,09975115510...
PHP 700
Dragon age inquisition
For sale
Ps4 games
Dragon age inquisition
All mint condition.
For delivery check out my shoppee page...
PHP 600
hard disk drive
add:alapan imus city
Hard Disk Drive For Desktop
160gb - retail: 650 wsale: 550
250gb - retail: 700 wsale: 650...
PHP 3,800
Business CPU
Intel Core 2 Duo 3rd Generation 2.4ghz Processor
Asrock G31M S MoBo with 3GB Kingston RAM
80 GB Seagate HDD (Sata),...
PHP 16,500
juki buttonsew
top working condition., brandnew table and stand and threadstand. test all you want at my place for assurance....
PHP 12,000
Poodle for sale
Mini toy pPhilippineslisted
Male & female avalaible
Apricot & cream
Hyper & healthy
Complete vaccine &...
PHP 1,600
Package of 11 Long Gowns
Package of 11 Long Gowns
All brandnew
Perfect for personal use or rental business
P136 na lang per piece...
PHP 350
Spiderman Flip Mask (brandnew)
Brandnew spiderman flipmask
Bought at toy kingdom for Php 599.75
Nice quality.
Selling for only Php 350.00
PHP 3,500
Coby 1992 olympic mascot
Coby 1992 olympic mascot
Solid heavy alum
Rare / collectors item
About 9 inches tall
3 kilos weigth
PHP 22,000
Canon EOS M3
(100% Working)
* 100% LCD Tilt-Touchscreen * Working
* 100% Built-in-flash Working
* Crispy buttons...
PHP 100
Black and white flower mini skirt Small to medium
Preloved items all in good condition!
RFS: Decluttering
Add sf for shipping P120 via jrs
For pickup/meetup within...
PHP 700
Ps 4 games
For sale
Ps4 games
Dragonage inquisition-700
Metal gear solid v the phantom pain-800
The last of us-800
The witcher 3...
PHP 450
Financial Accounting Vol. 1
Accounting Book | Financial Accounting Vol. 1 Part 1 & 2 by Valix | Bought it for 600| RFS: hindi ko na po need | may...
PHP 2,300
Dc 12V Car Washer Portable or Garden watering
12v Dc portable car washer
Can be plug to a 12v battery or vehicle lighter outlet
Water from a need to...
PHP 2,800
Gown for sale imus area purchased from jessas gown
Worn once
Date of purchase: march 10,2018
Bought from jessa's gown with receipt and paper bag
Available po hanggat...
PHP 100
Gray and silver mini skirtsmall to medium
Preloved items all in good condition!
RFS: Decluttering
Add sf for shipping P120 via jrs
For pickup/meetup within...
PHP 1,300
dvd player maganda maliit lang Rush
for sale
dvd player
good condition
pocket size
no defect
all working
PHP 3,400
PS2 phat modified
Selling good condition ps2 modified
Perfect pang matagan dahil meron fan
Can play burn cds
*av cords...
PHP 2,300
Car compressor pulley fitting parts rush
Sira po yang compressor
Ok ang pulley
Fitting ok
Binibenta napo as set
PHP 12,000
SHARP TV 39inch Led
Sharp tv second hand
Led 39inch
Good as new good condition
With remote walang gasgas
May less pa po para sa mga sure...
PHP 13,500
Nikon COOLPIX B500 camera
- Binili pero ilang beses lang nagamit (Hindi marunong gumamit parents ko atsaka may smartphone na)
- Works Perfectly...
PHP 3,000
JBL Clip 2
Unused, dark color won't easily get dirty, with free travel case, w/ recepit for warranty purposes. Item location:...
PHP 5,500
Imported wine camus hennesy remy martun
Imported wine: Php 5,500.00 each
Camus xo 750 ml
Hennesy xo 750 ml
Remy martin xo 750 ml
For inquiries, pls message...
PHP 270
SJ4000 SJ5000 SJCAM M10 battery
Battery sj4000 sj4000 wifi sj5000 sj5000 plus M10 sjcam sj5000x
Also selling
Single charger 250php...
PHP 6,500
Sharp refrigerator
P.s almost new except need palitan ng frion for fast transaction pls text or call me thanks
PHP 100
Gray and silver mini skirtsmall to medium
Preloved items all in good condition!
RFS: Decluttering
Add sf for shipping P120 via jrs
For pickup/meetup within...
PHP 40,000
Yamaha Novo Z 51C3 Year Model 2011
Price is Negotiable
Updated Registration ( May 2018)
Original Parts
PHP 450
Financial Accounting Vol. 1
Accounting Book | Financial Accounting Vol. 1 Part 1 & 2 by Valix | Bought it for 600| RFS: hindi ko na po need | may...
PHP 4,000
Teac CD X8 Micro hiFi System Speaker
In good Condition
AG - 790 Am/Fm Stereo Receiver Hi-Fi Teac
PHP 5,800
singer ordinary sewing machine
singer ordinary machine. complete with brand new cabinet table and brand new stand and with accessories included....
PHP 500
Petron Collectables
selling my petron collectables all comes with box
mit up imus cavite area only
last price posted ... 500 peso each ..
Rookie sPorts card
I have 113 Rookie cards I sell 17 cards now 96 available. if somebody there interested to collect this don't be shy...
PHP 1,800
Casio watch F91
100% Authentic casio with 1year warranty. Complete package. Just message me. Pre-Order